Naomi J. McKay, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Buckham Hall A258Office: (716) 878-3012
Email: mckaynj@buffalostate.edu
Current Research Projects
Effect of comfort food on physiological recovery from a mild acute stressor
SUNY Buffalo State, Psychology Department
A large portion of the population increases intake of comfort food during stress. It is not known, however, if eating comfort food is, in turn, having an effect on stress recovery. This project aims to answer whether eating comfort food in the face of an acute stressor will accelerate recovery of the stress response.
Courses taught
Brain and Behavior, PSY333
Physiological Psychology, PSY421
Psychology and Physiology of Eating, PSY423
Psychology Research Methods, PSY450
Research interests
Broadly, my research focuses on motivated behaviors, including food and water intake, and the physiological and psychological factors that contribute to what we choose to eat. My current research is focused on the effect that eating unhealthy food items has on our stress response. I hypothesize that eating comfort food after a stressor will accelerate physiological and emotional stress recovery. Students in my laboratory have presented their findings locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally.
* Indicates Buffalo State student
Klatzkin, R.R., Nadel, T., Lallo, B., Mosby, E., Perkins, D., Qureshi, H., McKay, N.J. & Slavich, G.M. (2024). Lifetime stressor exposure is associated with greater rewarding effects of stress-related eating. Physiology and Behavior. In Press.
McKay, N.J., Horvatits, E.*, Jean, M.*, Doyle, J.*, Harrington, M.*, Amir, U.S.*, Carr, K.A. (2024). An acute social stressor decreases reinforcing value of both high and low energy-dense food in college students in a randomized controlled trial. Physiology and Behavior, 279, 114531.
Crandall, A.K., McKay, N.J., Khan, A.M., Lantyer, M., & Temple, J.L. (2022). The effect of acute and chronic scarcity on acute stress: a dyadic developmental examination. Physiology and Behavior. 246, 113684.
McKay, N.J., Giorgianni, N.R.*, Czajka, K.E.*, Brzyski, M.G.*, Lewandowski, C.L.*, Hales, M.L.*, Sequeira, I.K.*, Bernardo, M.B., & Mietlicki-Baase, E.G. (2021). Plasma levels of ghrelin and GLP-1, but not leptin or amylin, respond to a psychosocial stressor in women and men. Hormones and Behavior, 134, 105017-105017.
Sequeira, I.K.*, Longmire, A.S.*, & McKay, N.J. (2021). Trier Social Stress Test elevates blood pressure, heart rate, and anxiety, but a singing test or unsolvable anagrams only elevates heart rate, among healthy young adults. Psych, 3, 171-183.
McKay, N.J., Przybysz, J.*, Cavanaugh, A.*, Horvatits, E.*, Giorgianni, N.*, & Czajka, K.* (2020). The effect of unhealthy food and liking on stress reactivity. Physiology & Behavior, 229, 113216-113216.