Congratulations to Sara Mintz, the Psychology Department 2022 Intern of the Year!
What Is An Internship?
Internships are a great way to learn more about the field of psychology. You gain firsthand experience while working side by side with other professionals.
Together, the student, department, and a professional organization create a learning experience consistent with the student's major.
The department offers two types of internships: field-study and teaching.
Internship Overview
Internship Coordinators
For further information, see Dr. Norvilitis or Dr. Kamper-DeMarco who alternate as coordinators.
Dr. Kamper-DeMarco, internship coordinator 2024-2026.
Internship Sites
Our list of internships is always evolving to meet student needs and interests. Some recent sites include:
- International Institute
- Compass House
- Family Help Center
- Journey's End Refugee Services
- Falk School
- Northpointe Council
- Transitional Services Inc.
Internship Topics
- Crisis Services
- Human Resources
- Mental Illness
- Refugee Placement and Support
- School/Youth Counseling
- Substance Abuse
- Teaching
Getting Started
Meet Prerequisites
- Maturity, motivation, and interpersonal skill
- At least second semester junior status or beyond at the time of the internship
- Minimum 2.5 GPA (overall and in psychology)
- Coursework relevant to the placement (i.e., developmental psychology if you plan to work with children; abnormal psychology if you plan to work in a mental health setting)
- Ability to spend 12 hours per week at the internship site
Attend Internship Forum
Attend the internship forum, held every semester prior to the start of registration.
Following the meeting and submission of paperwork, students work with the Internship Coordinator to achieve the best possible internship match for their skills and interests and then complete the PSY 488 form, which is the contract with the department and the Internship Learning Agreement, which is the contract with the site.
Those unable to attend should see the internship coordinator.
Submit Required Documents
Email the following documents by the deadline posted on the signs in the department:
- Prospective Intern Data Sheet (available on the department website)
- Current copy of your Degree Works
- 500-word essay outlining your career goals, why you would like to participate in the internship program, type of internship you would like to have, and what experiences you hope to gain
- An updated resume or vita (with your home address, email, and phone number)
- Request that a member of the Psychology Department faculty submit a recommendation for you.This should be emailed directly to the intern coordinator from the faculty member. A few sentences are all that is needed here, not a lengthy letter of recommendation.
Discuss Placement
Shortly after your materials are complete, you must email the internship coordinator to discuss a potential placement. The two of you will discuss potential sites and find a good match.
Schedule Site Interview
Schedule an interview with your potential site. This must happen before the end of the semester prior to the internship (i.e., before exam week of the spring semester for internships occurring in the fall).
Complete PSY 488 Internship Form
This is a contract between you and the department specifying what your responsibilities will be at your internship. It must be completed prior to the Monday that classes begin in the semester of the internship.
Make any changes to that form requested by the internship coordinator as quickly as possible, but definitely by Tuesday of the first week of classes. After the form is completed, the internship coordinator will sign off and give the form to the department chair to sign off.
Register for Internship
After the internship coordinator has given you permission to register, logon to Banner and register for the internship. Without this final step, the college does not recognize that you are a part of the internship program. This must be completed by the end of drop/add.
Complete Internship Learning Agreement
Once you have started at your internship, you must complete the Internship Learning Agreement. This form is signed by you, your site supervisor, and the internship coordinator and is due by the second Friday of classes. This is the formal agreement between you and your site about what your duties will be and what the site’s responsibilities will be.