Scholars in the Classroom
A major defining value of the department is its commitment to the idea of a “teacher-scholar” (or as it is alternatively described “scholar in the classroom”) model. Our faculty members vary in terms of the relative emphasis of their research agenda, compared to the other areas of professional activity, and in what arenas their scholarship is expressed.
Historically, the department has a clear expectation for faculty members to have a viable record in scholarship, in addition to an excellent program of teaching. This is reflected in the recognition the faculty have received.
Lori A. Barry
Administrative Assistant 1 Buckham Hall A220Office: (716) 878-6215
Email: barryla@buffalostate.edu
Stephen B. Bellus, Ph.D.
Lecturer Buckham Hall A228GOffice: (716) 878-6404
Email: bellussb@buffalostate.edu

Brian C. Cronk, Ph.D.
Professor Buckham Hall A259Office: (716) 878-3127
Email: bcronk@buffalostate.edu
Brian C. Cronk's profile

Kimberly E. K. DeMarco, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Buckham Hall A239AOffice: (716) 878-3421
Email: kamperke@buffalostate.edu
Kimberly E. K. DeMarco's profile

Jean M. DiPirro, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Buckham Hall A257Office: (716) 878-4317
Email: dipirrjm@buffalostate.edu
Jean M. DiPirro's profile

Stephani M. Foraker, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Buckham Hall A246Office: (716) 878-6027
Email: forakesm@buffalostate.edu
Stephani M. Foraker's profile

Dwight A. Hennessy, Ph.D.
Chair and Professor Buckham Hall A238AOffice: (716) 878-5532
Email: hennesda@buffalostate.edu
Dwight A. Hennessy's profile
Jeanette A. Koncikowski, M.Ed.
Lecturer Buckham Hall A238AOffice: (716) 878-6215
Email: koncikja@buffalostate.edu

Michael G. MacLean, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Buckham Hall A263Office: (716) 878-3100
Email: macleamg@buffalostate.edu
Michael G. MacLean's profile

Naomi J. McKay, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Buckham Hall A258Office: (716) 878-3012
Email: mckaynj@buffalostate.edu
Naomi J. McKay's profile
Eyad J. Naseralla, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor Buckham Hall A263Office: (716) 878-6404
Email: naseraej@buffalostate.edu
Eyad J. Naseralla's profile

Jill M. Norvilitis, Ph.D.
Professor Buckham Hall A261Office: (716) 878-3145
Email: norviljm@buffalostate.edu
Jill M. Norvilitis's profile

Howard M. Reid, Ph.D.
Professor Buckham Hall A245BOffice: (716) 878-4502
Email: reidhm@buffalostate.edu
Howard M. Reid's profile

Pamela Schuetze-Pizarro, Ph.D.
Professor Buckham Hall A239BOffice: (716) 878-4022
Email: schuetp@buffalostate.edu
Pamela Schuetze-Pizarro's profile
Carol A. Wannemacher, Ph.D.
Lecturer Buckham Hall A228FOffice: (716) 878-6215
Email: wannemca@buffalostate.edu