Pamela Schuetze-Pizarro, Ph.D.
Professor Buckham Hall A239BOffice: (716) 878-4022
Dr. Schuetze earned her B.M. (Bachelor’s in Music Performance) from Wittenberg university and her M.S. and Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology from Virginia Tech. She also completed a post-doctoral fellowship at Emory University. She has been a member of the psychology department at Buffalo State since 1996. Dr. Schuetze’s research interests include the development of high-risk infants, children and adolescents with a history of prenatal substance exposure. She is also interested in the scholarship of teaching and learning and in research related to child maltreatment. She has published over 60 articles and has more than 120 presentations at national and international conferences. She has received the President’s Award for Excellence in Research, Scholarship and Creativity (2005) from SUNY Buffalo State and the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities (2013).
Dr. Schuetze is also a member of the Applied Learning Leadership team for SUNY Buffalo State and has participated in trainings on applied learning on campus and across SUNY.
She also coordinates the Child Advocacy Studies certificate program.
Recent Publications
*Indicates undergraduate student author
Doody, K., Schuetze, P., & Fulcher-Rood, K. (2021). COVID-19 modifications to a service-learning project designed to prepare Special Education students to be effective participants in transdisciplinary collaborations. Excelsior: Leadership in Teaching and Learning, 13(2), 160-178.
Doody, K., Schuetze, P., & Fulcher-Rood, K. (in press). Service learning in the time of COVID-19. Experiential Learning & Teaching in Higher Education.
Schuetze, P., Eiden, R.D., & Shisler, S. (2020). Sex differences in autonomic functioning among cocaine exposed kindergarten-aged children. Neurotoxicology & Teratology, 80, 1-11. Doi: 10.1016/
Eiden, R. D., Shisler, S., Granger, D. A., Schuetze, P., Colangelo, J.*, & Huestis, M. A. (2020). Prenatal tobacco and cannabis exposure: Associations with cortisol reactivity in early school age children. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 1-14. Doi: 10.1007/s12529-020-09875-8
Schuetze, P., Molnar, D., Eiden, R., Shisler, S., Zhao, J., Colder, C., & Huestis, M. (2020). The effect of prenatal adversity on externalizing behaviors at 24- months of age in a high-risk sample: Maternal sensitivity as a moderator. Infant Mental Health Journal, 41, 530-542. Doi: 10.1002/imhj.21863
Godleski, S., Shisler, S., Eiden, R. D. & Schuetze, P. (2020). Maternal smoking and psychosocial functioning: Impact on subsequent breastfeeding practices. Breastfeeding Medicine, 15(4), 246-253.
Nickerson, A. B., Shisler, S. M., Eiden, R. D., Ostrov, J. M., Schuetze, P., Godleski, S. A., & Delmerico, A. M. (2020). A longitudinal study of gun violence attitudes: Role of childhood aggression and exposure to violence, and early adolescent bullying perpetration and victimization. Journal of School Violence, 19, 62-76.
Perry, K., Ostrov, J., Shisler, S., Eiden, R. D., Nickerson, A., Godleski, S., & Schuetze, P. (2020). Pathways from early family violence to adolescent reactive aggression and violence victimization. Journal of Family Violence. (Special issue on Family violence and youth violence: Examining the connections from global and interdisciplinary perspectives). doi: 10.1007/s10896-019-00109-4
Schuetze, P., Doody, K. R., Fulcher-Rood, K. (2019). Using Service Learning to Promote Transdisciplinary Collaborations among Undergraduate and Graduate Students. Journal of Applied Learning in Higher Education, 8, 9-27.
Ettekal, I., Eiden, R., Nickerson, A., Molnar, D., & Schuetze, P. (2020). Developmental cascades to children’s conduct problems: The role of prenatal substance use, socioeconomic adversity, maternal depression and sensitivity, and children’s conscience. Development and Psychopathology, 32, 85-103. Doi: 10.1017/S095457941800144X
Ettekal, I., Eiden, R. D., Nickerson, A., Schuetze, P. (2019). Comparing Alternative Methods of Measuring Cumulative Risk Based on Multiple Risk Indicators: Are there Differential Effects on Children’s Externalizing Problems? PLOS One, 14, e021934. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0219134
Schuetze, P., Zhao, J., Eiden, R.D., & Shisler, S. (2019). Prenatal Exposure to Tobacco and Marijuana and Child Autonomic Regulation and Reactivity: An Analysis of Indirect Pathways via Maternal Psychopathology and Parenting. Developmental Psychobiology, 6, 1022–1034. DOI: 10.1002/dev.2184
Eiden, R.D., Schuetze, P., Shisler, S., Huestis, M. (2018). Prenatal exposure to tobacco and cannabis: Effects on autonomic and emotion regulation. Neurotoxicology & Teratology, 68, 47-56.
Eiden, R.D., Zhao, J., Casey, M., Shisler, S., Schuetze, P. & Colder, C.R. (2018). Pre- and Postnatal Tobacco and Cannabis Exposure and Child Behavior Problems: Bidirectional Associations, Joint Effects, and Sex Differences. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 185, 82-92.
Darlow, V.*, Norvilitis, J., & Schuetze, P. (2017). The Relationship between Helicopter Parenting and Adjustment to College. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 26(8), 2291-2298. DOI: 10.1007/s10826-017-0751-3.
Shisler, S., Eiden, R.D., Molnar, D., Schuetze, P., Huestis, M., & Homish, G. (2017). Smoking in Pregnancy and Fetal Growth: The Case for More Intensive Assessment. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 19(5), 525-531. PMID: 28403474.
Schuetze, P., Eiden, R.D., Colder, C., R., Huestis, M. & Leonard, K. (2018). Prenatal risk and infant regulation: Indirect Pathways via Fetal Growth, Prenatal Stress and Maternal Aggression/Hostility. Child Development, 89(2), s e123–e13. DOI: 10.1111/cdev.12801. PMID: 28383108.
Shisler, S., Eiden, R., Molnar, D., Schuetze, P., Coles, C., Huestis, M., Colder, C. (2016). Effects of fetal tobacco exposure on focused attention in infancy. Infant Behavior and Development, 45, 1-10. PMID: 27543942
Godleski, S.A., Eiden, R.D., Schuetze, P., Colder, C., & Huestis, M. (2016). Tobacco exposure and maternal psychopathology: Impact on toddler problem behavior. Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 57, 87-94. doi: 10.1016/ PMID 26487223
Eiden, R. D., Godleski, S., Schuetze, P., & Colder, C. R. (2015). Prenatal substance exposure and child self-regulation: Pathways to risk and protection. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 137, 12-29. Doi: 10.1016/j.jecp.2015.02.007. PMC4442052.
Shisler, S., Homish, G.G., Molnar, D. S., Schuetze, P., Colder, C. R., & Eiden, R. D. (2015). Predictors of changes in smoking from 3rd trimester to 9 months postpartum. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 18(1), 84–87. PMID: 24755971
Schuetze, P., Lessard, J., Colder, C. R., Maiorana, N*., Shisler, S., Eiden, R. D., Huestis, M. A., & Henrie, J. (2015). Physiological reactivity during object manipulation task among cigarette-exposed infants at 9 months of age. Neurotoxicology & Teratology, 48, 64-68. PMCID: PMC4363224
Eiden, R. D., Molnar, D. S., Granger, D. A., Colder, C. R., Schuetze, P., & Huestis, M. A. (2015). Prenatal tobacco exposure and infant stress reactivity: Role of child sex and maternal behavior. Developmental Psychobiology, 57, 212-225. doi: 10.1002/dev.21284. PMID:25650169
Recent Conference Presentations
*Indicates undergraduate student author
Fulcher-Rood, K., Doody, K., & Schuetze, P. (April 23, 2021). Integrating transdisciplinary education in speech-language pathology curriculum. Presented at the New York State Speech Language Hearing Association Virtual Convention.
Seay, D., Eiden, R. D., Nickerson, A., Schuetze, P., Neiderhiser, J. (April, 2021). A Person-Centered Approach to Family Risk and the Development of Emotional Well-Being in Early Adolescence. Presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development, Virtual Meeting.
Manges, M., Seay, D., Nickerson, A., Grossman, H., Delmerico, A., Godleski, S., Schuetze, P., & Eiden, R. D. (April, 2021). Caregiving environmental risk, parenting, and aggression from infancy to adolescence in a high-risk sample. Presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development, Virtual Meeting.
Schuetze, P., Zhao, J., Kelm, M.* & Eiden, R. (April, 2021). Patterns of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system functioning in two samples of high-risk children during kindergarten. Presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development, Virtual Meeting.
Kelm, M.*, Ivanova, M.*, Schuetze, P., & Eiden, R. D. (April, 2021). Maternal psychological distress and parenting behavior in a low-income sample: Moderation by maternal substance use. Presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development, Virtual Meeting.
Schuetze, P., Godleski, S., Kelm, M.*, & Eiden, R. D. (April, 2021). Associations between prenatal substance exposure and autonomic functioning during early school age and early adolescence: An examination of sex and postnatal environmental risk as potential moderators. Presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development, Virtual Meeting.
Schuetze, P., Doody, K.R., & Fulcher-Rood, K. (April, 2021). The Efficacy of Converting a Service-learning Project for Students in Child Development from a Face-to-face to Online Modality. Presented at the biennial meeting of the Developmental Science Virtual Teaching Institute.
Fulcher-Rood, K., Doody, K., & Schuetze, P. (March, 6, 2020). Interdisciplinary Collaborations: Mutually Beneficial Relationships for Students, Community Members, and Faculty. Presented at the WNY Service Learning Coalition, Hilbert College, Hamburg, NY.
Perry, K., Ostrov, J. M., Eiden, R., Nickerson, A., Schuetze, P., & Godleski, S. (2020). Cascading pathways from prenatal factors to adolescent callous unemotional traits in a diverse sample. Paper was to be presented (conference cancelled for Covid-19) at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, San Diego, CA.
Godleski, S. A., Schuetze, P., Eiden, R., Nickerson, A., & Ostrov, J. M. (2020). Developmental trajectories from prenatal risks to aggression: Results from a high-risk sample. Poster was to be presented (conference cancelled for Covid-19) at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, San Diego, CA.
Doody, K., Fulcher-Rood, K., Schuetze, P. & delPrado-Hill, P. (October 28, 2019). Using the SUNY Approved Applied Learning criteria to positively impact students: Using stakeholder data to modify an existing applied learning experience. SUNY Student Success Summit, Albany, NY.
Fulcher-Rood, K., Schuetze, P., Doody, K.R., Bluford, M. & delPrado-Hill, P. (September 27, 2019). Using PDS partnerships to encourage professional behaviors in college students. Presented at the Professional Development Conference, Buffalo, NY.
Doody, K., Schuetze, P., & Fulcher-Rood, K. (May 8, 2019). Utilizing a HMG Screening Initiative to Develop Trans-disciplinary Collaborations Within a Community-based Applied Learning Project. Help Me Grow National Conference, Buffalo, NY.
Eiden, R.D., Shisler, S., Granger, D. & Schuetze, P. (March 11-15, 2019). Prenatal Tobacco & Cannabis Exposure: Associations with Cortisol Reactivity in Early School Age. UCI IISBR Virtual Salivary Bioscience Research Conference.
Schuetze, P., Doody, K., & Fulcher-Rood, K. (March 20, 2019). Using Service Learning to Expose Child Development Students to Transdisciplinary Collaborations in Applied Developmental Settings. Presented at 2019 Developmental Science Teaching Institute, Baltimore, MD.
Godleski, S., Eiden, R. D., Schuetze, P. Shisler, S. Zhao, J. & Ostrov, J. (March 21, 2019). Self-Regulation Pathways to Forms and Functions of Aggression. Presented at Biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD.
Schuetze, P., Doody, K., & Fulcher, K. (November 1, 2018). Using service learning to expose child development students to transdisciplinary collaborations in applied developmental settings. Presented at the 5th annual SUNY Applied Learning Conference, Tarrytown, NY.
Fulcher, K., Doody, K., & Schuetze, P. (September 28, 2018). Developing Cross-Disciplinary Collaborations for Service-Learning Projects or other Applied Learning Experiences. Presented at the Professional Development Conference, Buffalo, NY.
Ettekal, I., Eiden, R. D., Nickerson, A.B., Molnar, D.S., & Schuetze, P. (August, 2018). Developmental Cascades to Children’s Conduct Problems: The Role of Socioeconomic Adversity, Maternal Sensitivity, Depression and Substance use, and Children’s Conscience. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
Schuetze, P., Eiden, R., Shisler, S. & Granger, D. (June, 2018). Effects of co-occurring prenatal tobacco and cannabis exposure on cortisol reactivity at early school age. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, San Diego, CA.
Shisler, S., Eiden, R.D., & Schuetze, P. (June, 2018). Co-occurring tobacco and cannabis use prenatally increases odds of ADHD in kindergarten. Paper presented at the annual meeting of The College on Problems of Drug Dependence, San Diego, CA.
Zhao, J., Ettekal, I., Eiden, R., Nickerson, A. & Schuetze, P. (April, 2018). Child exposure to community violence: Change trajectories, prospective predictors, and outcomes. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Minneapolis, MN.
Schuetze, P., Eiden, R., Vlaovich, D., Ettekal, I., Ostrov, J., Nickerson, A. (April, 2018). Autonomic regulation in a high-risk sample of young adolescents during a social stress task. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Minneapolis, MN.
Ostrov, J., Godleski, S., Nickerson, A., Eiden, R., Ettekal, I., & Schuetze, P. (April, 2018). Negative parental discipline in early childhood and assault in at-risk adolescents: The role of attitudes about guns and violence. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Minneapolis, MN.
Godleski, S., Ostrov, J., Nickerson, A., Eiden, R., Ettekal, I., Schuetze, P., & Colder, C. (April, 2087). Early maternal and child predictors of cognitive biases regarding aggression in at-risk adolescents. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Minneapolis, MN.
Eiden, R., Ostrov, J., Schuetze, P., Molnar, D., Nickerson, A. (April, 2018). Predicting adolescent hope in a high risk diverse sample: Testing differential susceptibility theory. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Minneapolis, MN.
Doody, K., & Schuetze, P. (October, 2017). Transdisciplinary Collaborations and Professional Development Schools: What are the Benefits to Undergraduate Students? Presented at Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children conference, Savannah, GA.
Doody, K., & Schuetze, P. (September, 2017). PDS and Effective Collaborations with Area Agencies: What are the Benefits to our Partners? Professional Development Conference, Buffalo, NY.
Eiden, R. D., Zhao, J., Casey, M., Shisler, S. & Schuetze, P. (June, 2017). Prenatal and postnatal tobacco and cannabis exposure: joint and bidirectional associations with child behavior problems. Presented at the annual meeting of the Developmental Neurotoxicology Society, Denver, CO.
Eiden, R. D., Shisler, S., & Schuetze, P. (June, 2017). Prenatal and postnatal tobacco and cannabis exposure: Effects on focused attention in infancy. Presented at the annual meeting of the Developmental Neurotoxicology Society, Denver, CO.
Vlaovich, D.*, Schuetze, P., & Eiden, R. D. (March, 2017). The Association between Prenatal Substance Exposure and Social Competence during Middle Childhood. Presented at annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Boston, MA.
Vlaovich, D.*, Schuetze, P., & Eiden, R. D. (April, 2017). The Association between Prenatal Substance Exposure and Social Competence during Middle Childhood. Presented at biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Austin, TX.
Ettekal, I., Nickerson, A., Molnar, D., Schuetze, P., & Eiden, R. D. (April, 2017). Childhood Aggression in a High-Risk Sample: Developmental Cascade Model of Socioeconomic Adversity, Parenting and Child Conscience. Presented at biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Austin, TX.
Nam, H., Beyer, M., Eiden, R.D., Schuetze, P. (2017, April). Social skills predict childhood depression in a high risk, low income sample. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Austin, TX.
Ettekal, I., Nickerson, A., Schuetze, P., & Eiden, R. D. (April, 2017). Methods of Measuring Socioeconomic Adversity Based on Cumulative Risk Indices: Methodological Implications from a High-Risk Sample. Presented at biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Austin, TX.
Schuetze, P., Molnar, D., Eiden, R. D., & Shisler, S. (April, 2017). Interaction Effect of Prenatal Risk, Maternal Warmth and Physiological Reactivity on Toddler Externalizing Behaviors. Presented at biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Austin, TX.
Eiden, R.D., Schuetze, P., Shisler, S., & Huestis, M. (March, 2017). Prenatal tobacco and cannabis exposure and toddler emotion regulation: mediating role of autonomic regulation in infancy. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research in Nicotine and Tobacco, Florence, Italy.
Schuetze, P., Eiden, R.D., & Huestis, M. (March, 2017). Physiological regulation during the first year of life among infants prenatally exposed to cigarettes and marijuana. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research in Nicotine and Tobacco, Florence, Italy.
Doody, K., & Schuetze, P. (March, 2017). Trans-disciplinary Collaborations and Professional Development Schools: What are the benefits to Higher Education Students? Presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Professional Development Schools, Baltimore MD.
Doody, K., Schuetze, P., Balsano, R., Card, C., Struwe, R.* & Minet, J. (September, 2016). Trans-disciplinary collaborations and professional development schools: What are the benefits to higher education students? Professional Development Conference, Buffalo, NY.
Lessard, J., Livingston, J., Molnar, D., Eiden, R. D., Schuetze, P. (April, 2016). Parental cigarette and electronic-cigarette use, monitoring, and adolescent electronic-cigarette use. Society for Research in Adolescence, Baltimore, MD.
Eiden, R. D., Schuetze, P. & Huestis, M. (June, 2016). Prenatal Tobacco and Cannabis Exposure: Effects on Infant Regulation via Fetal Growth, Maternal Stress, and Anger/Hostility. DTNS, San Antonio, TX.
Eiden, R. D., Molnar, D., Schuetze, P. & Shisler, S. (June, 2016). Interactive effects of prenatal tobacco exposure, prenatal maternal depression, and child sex on attention problems at preschool age. DTNS, San Antonio, TX.
Schuetze, P., Lessard, J., Eiden, R.D., & Henrie, J*. (April, 2015). Physiological reactivity during object manipulation task among cigarette-exposed infants at 9 months of age. Society for Research in Child Development, Philadelphia, PA.
Eiden, R.D., Godleski, S., Schuetze, P. & Colder, C. R. (April, 2015). Prenatal substance exposure and child self-regulation: Pathways to risk and protection. Symposium: Prenatal Cocaine Exposure and Regulatory Processes: Underlying Mechanisms (M. Black) presented at Society for Research in Child Development, Philadelphia, PA.
Godleski, S., Eiden, R. D., Colder, C. R., & Schuetze, P. (April, 2015). Prenatal Cigarette Exposure and Maternal Hostility: Impact on Child Negative Affect and Child Externalizing Behavior. Symposium: Prenatal Tobacco Exposure: Investigating Pathways to Risk for Neurobehavioral and Externalizing Behavior Outcomes (S. Godleski) presented at Society for Research in Child Development, Philadelphia, PA.
Eiden, R. D., Godleski, S., Colder, C. R., Schuetze, P. (2015). Society for Prevention Research, Washington, D.C.
Courses Usually Taught
- CAS 301/PSY 301 Perspectives on Child Maltreatment and Advocacy
- CAS 302 Global Child Advocacy
- PSY 355 Developmental Psychology
- PSY 356 Child Development
- PSY 415 Competent Infant
- PSY 417 Atypical Infant
- PSY 450 Research Methods
- PSY 472 Senior Seminar
Research Interests
Development in infants and toddlers, the influence of typical and atypical prenatal and early postnatal experiences (especially the effect of prenatal drug exposure and breastfeeding) on behavioral and physiological development.
- SUNY Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities.
- President’s Award for Excellence in Research, Scholarship, and Creativity (2005). Buffalo State College.
- Buffalo State College Research Foundation. (2001). Award for success and persistence in sponsored program research.
- Outstanding Partnership Project (2012). Center for Development of Human Services (CDHS College Partnership). Strategies for Promoting Healthy Emotional Development in Children Infancy to 5.
Professional Positions
- Volunteer Research Professor, Department of Psychology, University at Buffalo 2019-present
- Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychology, SUNY College at Buffalo, 2008-present
- Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, SUNY College at Buffalo, 2002-2008.
- Research Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, SUNY at Buffalo. 2001-present.
- Associate Scientist, Research Institute on Addictions, Buffalo, New York. 1996-present.
- Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1995-1996. Emory University School of Medicine.
- Ph.D., Developmental Psychology, 1995. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Dissertation Title: Relation Between Maternal Caffeine Consumption During Pregnancy and Neonatal State and Heart Rate.
- M. S., Developmental Psychology, 1993. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Thesis Title: Detection by Adults of Differences in the Duration of Pauses in Infant Cries.
- B. M., Music Performance, Minor: Psychology, 1991. Wittenberg University. (Magna Cum Laude, University Honors, Omicron Delta Kappa, Mortar Board).
Funded Grants – National
1999 - 2001 Co-Investigator (with Jurgis Karuza), “Mental Health Issues in Applied Life Span Development,” National Institute on Mental Health (1 R25 MH61443-01), SUNY College at Buffalo. $227,907.
2001 – 2006 Co-Investigator (with Rina Eiden), “Maternal Substance Use and Toddler Self-Regulation,” National Institute on Drug Abuse (1 R01 DA13190-01), Research Institute on Addictions, University at Buffalo. $2,593,811.
2001 – 2006 Co-Investigator (with Jurgis Karuza), “Mental Health Issues in Applied Life Span Development,” National Institute on Mental Health (1 R25 MH61443-01), SUNY College at Buffalo. $652,296.
2002 – 2005 Principal Investigator, “Pre- and Postnatal Cigarette Exposure and Infant Regulation”, National Institute on Child Health and Human Development (3 R15 HD 39645-01 A2), SUNY College at Buffalo. $113,090.
2003 – 2005 Principal Investigator, “Cortisol Levels in Infants Exposed to Cigarettes,”National Institute on Child Health and Human Development (Supplement for Underrepresented Minorities to 3 R15 HD39645-01 A2 S1). SUNY College at
Buffalo. $19,394.
2004 – 2006 Co-Investigator (with Rina Eiden), “Supplement to Maternal Substance Use and Toddler Self-Regulation, National Institute on Drug Abuse, Research Institute on Addictions, University at Buffalo. $279,873.
2006 – 2011 Co-Investigator (with Rina Eiden), “Prenatal & ETS Exposure: Effects on Child Regulation”, National Institute on Drug Abuse (1 R01 DA019632-01), Research Institute on Addictions, University at Buffalo. $2,891,000.
2007-2012 Co-Investigator (with Rina Eiden), “Maternal Substance Use & Toddler Self-Regulation” Competing Continuation, National Institute on Drug Abuse (2 R01 DA013190-06), Research Institute on Addictions, University at Buffalo.
2012-2017 Co-Investigator (with Rina Eiden), “Prenatal & ETS Exposure: Effects on Child Regulation.” Competing Continuation, National Institute on Drug Abuse (R01 DA 019643-02), Research Institute on Addictions, University at Buffalo. $1,845, 712.40.
2015-2020 Co-Investigator (with Rina Eiden and Amanda Nickerson), “Developmental Pathways of Violence and Substance Use in a High Risk Sample.” National Institute on Drug Abuse (R01 DA), Research Institute on Addictions, University at Buffalo. ($3,395,047). 7/1/2015-3/31/2020. 1R01DA041231-01 (NIDA)